Cotton is the world’s largest non-food crop. Grown by more than 80 countries, its production is concentrated in India, China, US, Brazil, and Pakistan which combined together produce 75% of all the world’s cotton.¹ Despite its presence in nature, conventional cultivation is often not so sustainable, which uses chemicals (synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers and GMOs) and large amounts of water for irrigation, irreversibly damaging the soil. There are also social impacts, such as child and forced labour and exposure to potentially toxic and carcinogenic compounds.

The alternative exists and is called organic cotton grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers which, in the long run, filter both into plants and into the soil. Organically farmed cotton comes from controlled and certified crops, supporting biodiversity and healthier ecosystems. This way, water consumption is significantly reduced, soil fertility is preserved and better working conditions and health are guaranteed to farmers and their families.

The  LCA study we conducted also confirmed that choosing organic cotton for our products led to a reduction of CO2 emission from 18% to 21% compared to the conventional one.²

Organic cotton was one of the first preferred materials introduced in 2018 and we keep investing in this fabric selecting certified supply chains that include both environmental and ethical standards and allow us to verify the fiber origin.


1.The World Counts (2021) World Cotton Production Statistics.
2.The LCA was conducted on selected articles, taking takes into account the complete life of the product, from its production to distribution.
    • It does not have GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
    • It is higher quality than traditional cotton
    • Improves the working and health conditions of farmers
    • It encourages farmers to abandon traditional cotton for its added value
    • Requires 62% less energy for the production of fertilizer
    • Produces 46% less CO2
    • Requires 91% less water compared to traditional irrigation methods.
    • Avoids the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, which can contaminate groundwater and harm ecosystems.
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GOTS Certification

We decided to obtain GOTS certification not only to ensure the quality of our fabrics but also to promote more ethical and sustainable production. GOTS certifies not only the organic origin of the fibers but also ensures compliance with environmental and social criteria throughout the entire production chain. It guarantees that the cotton used for our products comes from organic farming and every phase of production, from harvesting to packaging, meets the strict standards. This includes product traceability, respect for workers’ rights, and strict restrictions on the use of chemicals.

Beyond the fabric: 360° Control

As mentioned, GOTS certification provides 360° control, starting with a thorough analysis of the chemicals used during production, which must be safe for the environment and people. The chemicals banned by GOTS include components that are carcinogenic, allergenic, or toxic for reproduction. GOTS may also require post-production checks to ensure there are no contaminations. These verifications are conducted by independent entities known as Certification Bodies. In our case, Master Italia is certified by ICEA.

But that’s not all. Although GOTS is best known for its focus on organic standards, it also protects workers’ rights throughout the production chain. Certified companies must closely monitor and prevent risks related to human rights. For us, this means not only committing to using preferred materials but also ensuring safe and ethical working conditions for everyone involved in the production process.

Another key aspect of GOTS certification is the guarantee of product traceability, which involves a monitoring system that tracks every phase of production, from raw materials to the finished product, ensuring that GOTS rules are followed at every step. The Scope Certificates describe the certification scope for each company, while Transaction Certificates track the movement of products along the value chain.

GOTS yes or GOTS No: when can you trust the label?

We can all analyse a label, and reading “GOTS Certified Product” can reassure us and make us feel safe. But is this ALWAYS the case? It’s important to clarify that a product can only be promoted as GOTS certified if all production steps have been certified, and the chain of custody is maintained throughout the entire process. If this chain is interrupted, even partially, it is no longer possible to refer to the certification.

For retailers, GOTS products can be promoted as such if they have a label with the corresponding logo, prepared by the certified company that handled the final step before sale to the consumer. This label ensures that the product was made following the GOTS Standard and that the material is indeed organic. When you see the GOTS logo on a product, pay attention to details such as the percentage of organic materials and the certified company’s license number. This helps ensure that the product has completed the entire production cycle under GOTS criteria and is ready to be purchased without further processing.

Atlantis products are designed to be customized, which involves further processing, such as prints or embroidery, that could break the GOTS chain of custody. Therefore, even though our Fraser is a certified item, it cannot be directly labelled as GOTS with Master Italia’s license number. However, our buyers, if also GOTS certified, can help continue the chain of custody.

We are always happy to provide useful information about our certifications and the decisions that allow us to take further steps toward our sustainability goals. If you want to learn more about Atlantis products certified by GOTS, check out our Scope Certificate n° ICEA-GOTS-23-3539/00A-02.

Our Organic Cotton Range

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